About Butterfly

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So far Butterfly has created 23 blog entries.

Feeding Frenzy – Parent Education Workshop at Butterfly

Feeding Frenzy! Are meal times stressful for you or your child? Do you have a “Problem Feeder” in the family? The Occupational Therapists at Butterfly are hosting a parent education workshop for families with "Problem Feeders".  This workshop is for caregivers who are involved in mealtimes with problem feeders, and is appropriate for children who:  Over


Will my child grow out of their speech/language difficulties?

Will my child simply “grow out of” their speech/language difficulties?   Parents are often unsure whether their child will simply “grow out of” their speech or language difficulties as they get older. However, many children will not outgrow their speech difficulties without intervention! Research shows that 40-50% of typically developing children who are late to


Concussion from a Parent’s Perspective

Concussion – A Parent’s Perspective on not being prepared! Having two kids in sports that have high rates of concussions (hockey and cheer) and being a physiotherapist that works with children, you would think that I would have been better prepared when the inevitable happened and my hockey player had a concussion.  But I wasn’t


Concussion Management and Care at Butterfly

How do I know if my child has a concussion? Concussion symptoms are not always so easy to spot in children since it’s not something you can see, like a scraped knee. As such, signs and symptoms may take some time to manifest and look different in every child. Initially after any impact, hit, or


Do I have a concussion?? Blog post from CCMI

Do I have a concussion? A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury that causes a temporary disturbance in brain cells that can disrupt brain function. The injury is caused by an acceleration or deceleration of the brain that jars or shakes it inside the skull. This can cause a range of physical


OT/PT Paediatric Network at Butterfly!

What is the OT/PT Paediatric Network and why were they at Butterfly? The OT/PT Paediatric Network is a group of Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists working in the field of paediatrics.  Recently the committee met at Butterfly for 2 presentations – the first on Belonging Through Dance by Mallory Ryan, co-owner of Dance Ability and the

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