What is the OT/PT Paediatric Network and why were they at Butterfly?

The OT/PT Paediatric Network is a group of Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists working in the field of paediatrics.  Recently the committee met at Butterfly for 2 presentations – the first on Belonging Through Dance by Mallory Ryan, co-owner of Dance Ability and the second on Community Roles in Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR), by Michelle Hand and Keiri Porter, co-owners and Physiotherapists at Butterfly.

Amazing network!

The amazing thing to me about this network is that it is exactly that – a network.  In a room full of paediatric OTs and PTs all working in the GTA you might expect some competitiveness, but really it’s the exact opposite.  Everyone is so excited about what they do and the kids that they treat!  People in the network genuinely share a passion for treating children and helping them reach their potential and beyond!

As a physiotherapist presenting on a topic about treatment and hands on strategies, I was in awe and admiration of the topics of discussion that came up that really focused on the whole child.  This is why we meet, and this is why our kids need a team – to brainstorm about different options!

Here are some interesting topics of discussion that came up: 

  1. How many unique and varied goals of Occupational Therapy can be addressed through dance – social/communication and body awareness might be expected but also activities of daily living (like getting dressed) and self regulation.
  2. How volunteers can really enhance the experience for children doing dance.
  3. We talked about Child Life Specialists and their role in the hospital for children undergoing Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy – but should this role be introduced earlier to help the kids understand the process of what is happening?
  4. Should someone be looking at or discussing the mental health of these kids post-operatively – the parents may be prepared for the frequency and intensity of the therapy – but how are the kids dealing with it?
  5. Is anyone looking at the sensory systems of these kiddos who have had SDR and now present with movement in ranges that they hadn’t had previously? Some OT’s have education using Wilbarger brushing protocol – would this help with their body awareness?  Is there research on this?


If you are an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist interested in connecting with a really supportive community – consider joining the OT/PT network

If you are a parent of a child looking for an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist who work only with kids, who are passionate about direct hands on treatment, making change and collaborating with others to consider different aspects of care for each child a team of experienced Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists can help!

Let us know at Butterfly! (905)206 0300

