Feeding Your Child ~ Introducing Textures – Sheryl Jean, Occupational Therapist
Feeding Your Child ~ Introducing Textures
Feeding Your Child ~ Introducing Textures
Picky Eater or Problem Eater? As a parent making sure your child gets a healthy meal is important no matter what age. However some infants and children can become picky eaters or problem eaters. What is the difference between picky eaters and problem eater? “Picky Eaters” can be defined as having a decreased range or
Feeding Milestones for Infants, Toddlers, and Children There is variation in the ages of when infants and toddlers achieve new feeding skills. Reaching new feeding milestones depends on the rate of physical and mental development of a child, their interaction with their environment, and how often the skills are promoted by the parent. Here is
Feeding Frenzy! Are meal times stressful for you or your child? Do you have a “Problem Feeder” in the family? The Occupational Therapists at Butterfly are hosting a parent education workshop for families with "Problem Feeders". This workshop is for caregivers who are involved in mealtimes with problem feeders, and is appropriate for children who: Over